Samoa Hotel/Motel Rates

Samoa Hotel/Motel Rates
Amounts in Tala
Period : 14 - 21 Oct 2024
 1 NZ DOLLAR 1.56 - 1.62
 1 US DOLLAR  2.55 - 2.66
 1 AUSTRALIAN DOLLAR 1.72 - 1.79
 1 GBP 3.20- 3.33
 1 EURO 2.64 - 2.75
57.83 JAPANESE YEN 1.00
 1 NZ DOLLAR  1.53 - 1.59
 1 US DOLLAR  2.54 - 2.65 
 1 AUSTRALIAN DOLLAR  1.69 - 1.76
 1 GBP  3.14 - 3.27
 1 EURO  2.57 - 2.67
 1 TONGAN PAAGA  1.01 - 1.05
 1 FIJI DOLLAR  1.10- 1.15
66.23 JAPANESE YEN  1.00


1. For conversion of guests accounts in foreign currency to SAT$, please use the mid-rate (average of the TT Buying and Selling rates of banks) or any rate (less than the mid-rate) appropriate and acceptable to the Hotel and its guests

2. Hotels to set their rates within the ranges provided above.


Last Updated: 15 Oct 2024