
The Central Bank of Samoa

The Central Bank of Samoa is the nation’s reserve bank and, as such, it acts as a bank to the Government and the commercial banks.

Statistical Highlights

Inflation Rate


Interest Rate


Foreign Reserves


Exchange Rates

  • USD 0.36343 US Dollar
  • EUR 0.33607 Euro
  • GBP 0.27998 Pounds sterling

Real GDP (SAT $Billions)

July/June Years

Nominal GDP (SAT $Billions)

July/June Years

plant growing in a pile of coins

Monetary Policy Statement

The Monetary Policy Statement (MPS) is a public document designed to provide transparency and accountability regarding the Central Bank's monetary policy plans. It outlines the Bank's objectives and targets for the upcoming financial year, informing both domestic and international audiences.

person typing on a laptop

Financial Supervision

The Financial Supervision Department plays a crucial role in safeguarding financial system stability and protecting the interests of depositors, creditors, policyholders, and unit holders. By regulating, licensing, and supervising financial institutions, the Department ensures compliance with international standards and best practices.

person stacking coins

Currency Collectibles

The Central Bank of Samoa offers a range of collectible currency products featuring unique Samoan designs and limited mintages. We also provide bulk quantities of general circulation notes and coins for collectors.
